Lamine polyester kum filtresi
• Cam elyaf takviyeli, polyesterden mamül Lamine polyester kum filtresi.
• 520mm ve 640 mm ölçülerinde 1,5'' bağlantılı ,760 ve 900 mm
2'' bağlantılı 6 yollu vanaları ile birlikte.
• Bütün modellerde manometre mevcuttur.
• 300 mm çapında enjeksiyon kalıptan mamül siyah polipropilen kapak.
• Kapak filtreye 8 adet dişli civata ve paslanmaz somun ile monte edilmiş.
• 1'' kum boşaltma ve su tahliye tapası mevcuttur.
Laminated Polyester Sand Filter • Laminated KRIPSOL filter manufactured in glass-fibre
reinforced polyester resin, with a greenish blue finish
• Includes 6-way 1 1/2” selector valve for 520 mm and
640 mm diameter connectors, and 2” selector valve
for 760 mm and 900 mm diameters connectors. All
models include pressure gauge.
• 300 mm diameter black injection moulded
polypropylene cover with manuel purge valve. Attached
by 8 threaded studs inserted in the filter body, and
stainless steel nuts with black ABS caps.
• 1” total pass sand drain with a plug to drain out water.